Monday, September 19, 2011


I dont even know what to type about...I suppose I can type about stuff that im good at, atuff that im bad at and things that im mediocre about. I suppose I can talk about musical stuff, electrical stuff, or recording arts...

Lets start with things im bad at:

1. Sports, im bad at sports, except for maybe basket ball, if I try I can be Ok at that. Other than that I suck at sports all together.
2.Math, my math skills are elementary, I never could grasp the math around my head as it could not be easily perceived by my brain.
3.Driving; my driving record is not looking so good. Since I started driving at 15 it has been tickets and accidents too frequently. I think Im getting better now.
4.Sitting still; Cant sit still for too long as I have too much nervous energy, so sitting through a movie or a banquet can be a a challenge.
5.Managing receipts and other things that should be organized, im good at organizing things but bad at maintaining this organization.
6.Video games, I have always been bad at video games and other game type programs, I belieive it stems from a lack of interest, I just dont understand the importance of many games.
7.Typing; Im very bad at typing mainly because of my large fingers...I make many typo's and at time dont fix them.

Things im good at.
1.Spacial thinking, I can see and imagine things before they are manifested or created in 2D and 3D
2.Construction; Im good at building things, fixing things and creating things using many tools and machines.

3.Music; im good at playing drums, bass guitar, electric and acoustic guitar, piano, singing, percussion and writing music.
4.recording engineering; I have spent years learning how to record sound and music on analog tape, digital tape and comuter hardisk and the associated euipment to do so.
5.Engineering in general; I have a natural knack for engineering just about anything imaginable. It can be realted to music or construction but spacial thinking play a major role on this, my wife says that its a man thing in that males are wired biologicly to be natural engineers, even if im bad at math I still know how to use a calculator.
6.Electrical; i have years making a living as a employed electrician in both commercial and residential structures. its right up my alley of personality.

thats all I feel like writing right now...more to come.

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